Anya: the cold draft of paralyzing fear
from Spiral (Season 5)
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ANYA: Anybody else feel that?


ANYA: Cold draft of paralyzing fear.

GILES: We just need to stay calm.

WILLOW: Calm, right.

XANDER: Hey, we gotta be like Sergeant Rock. Cool and collected in the face of overwhelming odds.

ANYA: *Over*whelming? How much more than whelming would that be exactly?

GILES: Look, everything will be all right, we just need to stay here calmly. As soon as Buffy arrives- (RV pulls up) -we'll feel oddly worse.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Typed the partial transcript of this episode myself. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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