Xander: a surgeon to remove the British flag from Revelations (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
GILES: Oh, this is intolerable. There's not a word here about Lagos or the glove. We don't have time for this near-missing. Just find out all you can about the demon, its-its-its strengths, its-its weaknesses, its places of origin, and most importantly, what it plans to do with this blasted glove.
XANDER: Hey, you're not the Watcher of me.
GILES: Then go home. But if you choose to stay, then work. (leaves)
WILLOW: Ugh... It's late. I'm tired. What does he want from us, anyway?
XANDER: The number of a qualified surgeon to remove the British flag from his butt?
written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: