Cameron to Buffy: You broke my nose!
from Go Fish (Season 2)
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Cameron: I don't know, a dolphin. A dolphin in the ocean. Because, you know, when I'm in the vastness of the ocean, it's... it's like I'm never alone. You ever hear of a woman named Gertrude Ederle?

BUFFY: (bored) No. No, I can't say that I have, Cam.

Cameron: First woman to swim the English Channel. Same thing. I mean, she would talk to it. I mean, she'd carry on entire conversations with it. Sometimes I do that. I mean, once I was out in...

BUFFY: You know what, Cam? Thanks. I'd forgotten how nice it is to just talk, or, in my case, listen, without any romantic pressure.

Cameron: Hey... I'm not about pressure. I just want you to be comfortable.

BUFFY: I'm comfy! I'm so comfy, I'm nodding off actually, which is why...

Cameron: (interrupts) Are you wearing a bra? (looks at her suggestively)

BUFFY: What?

Cameron: Come on. I mean, tell me you haven't been thinking about this ever since last night.

BUFFY: What I'm thinking about is that I should probably get out of this car...

She reaches for the door lever, but Cameron quickly hits the master lock button, locking her in.

Cameron: Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you.

BUFFY: Oh, it's not me I'm worried about.

Cameron: (snickers) You like it rough!

He reaches over to put his arm around her, and she grabs it and pulls him down toward her.

Cameron: Ow!

With her other hand she grabs the back of his neck and jerks him up.

Cameron: Oh!

She smashes his head into the steering wheel. The horn honks.

Cameron: Oh! Ah! Oh, you broke my nose!

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written by: David Fury & Elin Hampton; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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