Good cop/ bad cop, part 2
from Never Leave Me (Season 7)
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XANDER: How's your face?


XANDER: Sorry about that. She shouldn't have hit you. Thirsty? Go on.

ANDREW: That chick's psycho.

XANDER: You don't know the half of it. She's a vengeance demon, you know. She's bad news.

ANDREW: This one time I saw her having sex with Spike.

XANDER: She's killed more men than smallpox.

ANDREW: Does smallpox still kill people?

XANDER: She's killed a lot of men. She tortures them. Anyone who incurs her wrath. One time she? No, never mind.


XANDER: It's not important.

ANDREW: What'd she do?

XANDER: Well, there was this one guy?there was this one guy, he, uh, he hurt her real bad, so she paid him back. She killed him, but she did it real slow. See first she stopped his heart, then she replaced it with darkness, then she made him live his life like that. But he still had to go do his job and see his friends and wake up in the morning and go to bed at night, but he had to do it all empty. Without anything to look forward to. Ever.

ANDREW: (unimpressed) Sounds bad.

XANDER: Well, then she tore out his intestines and rubbed it in his face and took pictures of it.

ANDREW: (genuine this time) Oh, God.

XANDER: But she's downstairs now. Don't worry about her.

ANDREW: What if?

XANDER: See, the thing is, we've all been a little on edge lately. Some bad things have been happening, and the girls?they're all looking for someone to blame.

ANDREW: I didn't do anything?

ANYA: You lying son of a bitch! (storms into the room) You're gonna tell us what we need to know, and you're gonna tell us right now!

XANDER: Anya no!

ANDREW: Stop it!

ANYA: Get off me, Harris! (slaps Xander, he looks hurt, she mouths "I'm sorry", turns back to Andrew ) C'mere, you pipsqueak!

ANDREW: Get her off me! I'll tell you! I'll tell you what you need to know!

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written by: Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 35

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