Spike to Harmony: that's a very pretty skirt you're wearing
from Destiny (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

ANGEL: Harmony, what is going on with the phones?

HARMONY: Nobody knows. It's, like, all over the office. And all there is is, eee! on the other end. Plus, now my computer's freaking.

(As she speaks, Spike is suddenly very interested)

SPIKE: Harm.

(grabs her and kisses her)

HARMONY: (slapping him away) Get off! Ew!

SPIKE: That's the idea. (to Angel) I need to borrow your Gal Friday for a bit.

ANGEL: Permission denied.

SPIKE: I wasn't asking.

HARMONY: My God! Oh, my God. What? You think just 'cause you're all... solid now, that I'm gonna go—

SPIKE: (turns on the almost-sincere charm) that's a very pretty skirt you're wearing.

(Harmony's anger deflates in the face of Spike's gigantic grin)

HARMONY: (happy & excited) Taking a long lunch, boss.

(they run off together)

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written by: David Fury & Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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