Willow & Kennedy, on a secret mission to the Bronze
from The Killer In Me (Season 7)
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WILLOW: Hey, I figured the best thing for a cold is a nice hot cup of...(frowns) boots?


WILLOW: For someone who's sick, you look surprisingly robust and casual dressy.

KENNEDY: Well, the lighting in here is good. Maybe it's just?

WILLOW: You were never sick!

KENNEDY: No...I was never sick.

WILLOW: Oh, you are so busted. Xander's gonna have to drive you to the desert and?

KENNEDY: Willow, chill. There's a reason I didn't go. I have a thing. A separate thing.


KENNEDY: Something's coming down. I have my own mission. And I need your help.

(cut to the Bronze)

BAND: (singing) So I can be happy again...

WILLOW: This is a mission?

KENNEDY: Oh! Yeah...

WILLOW: And the little pink umbrellas are a signal for what? We're not on a mission, are we?

KENNEDY: Hey, trust me, I told you. I have a thing. Come on, come on. Just hang out with me a little. You're sexy when you pout.

WILLOW: Why do you do that?

KENNEDY: To get you to stay.

WILLOW: All right, I'll stay for one drink, then I'm going home.

KENNEDY: OK. One drink. I can work with that. Let's start with the easy stuff. How long have you known? That you're gay.

WILLOW: Wait. That's easy? And you just assume that I'm?I'm gay. I mean, presume much?

KENNEDY: OK. How long have you enjoyed having sex with women?

WILLOW: Hey! What you think you have some special lesbidar or something?

KENNEDY: OK, you know there's a better word for that, right? You really haven't been getting out there much, have you?

WILLOW: Well, I just?can you always tell just?just by looking at someone?

KENNEDY: No. No, of course not. That wouldn't be any fun. The fun part is the process of?of getting to know a girl. It's like?it's like flirting in code. It's using body language and laughing at the right jokes and?and looking into her eyes and knowing she's still whispering to you, even when she's not saying a word. And that sense that if you can just touch her just once everything will be OK for both of you. That's how you can tell. Or if she's really hot, you just get her drunk?see if she comes on to you.

WILLOW: Three years ago. That's when I knew. And it wasn't women, it was woman. Just one.

KENNEDY: Lucky woman.

(... later ....)

KENNEDY: Do your parents know?

WILLOW: Yeah. My mom was?was all proud like I was making some political statement. Then the statement mojo wore off and I was just gay. She hardly ever even met Tara.

KENNEDY: Classic.

WILLOW: I didn't mind. Tara and I are kind of private.

KENNEDY: I'm sorry. It must've?

WILLOW: Were, I mean. Private.

(... later ...)

KENNEDY: It was Gone with the Wind. I saw that, and I knew I wanted to sweep Scarlet off her feet.

WILLOW: You were five.

KENNEDY: Well, I'm not saying the sweeping would have been easy... What?

WILLOW: I just?I still don't get it. Why you like me. I mean, you don't even know me.

KENNEDY: Have you seen you? And we like the same things?Italian, skate punk, Robert Parker mysteries, fighting evil...

WILLOW: I don't like any of that stuff. Except the?the fighting evil part. Even then, I prefer a nice foot massage.

KENNEDY: OK, I dig the way you always turn off the Moulin Rouge DVD at Chapter 32 so it has a happy ending. I like the way you speak. It's interesting. And your freckles...likeable. I'm not so into the magic stuff. It seems like fairy tale crap to me, but if it matters to you... You care about it, so it's cool.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 50

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