Mayor to Faith: no father could be prouder
from Graduation Part 1 (Season 3)
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MAYOR: And everything went smoothly with Mr. Wirth?

FAITH: Not if you're Mr. Wirth.

MAYOR: (giggles) Well, that's swell. You know how I feel about loose ends. And the big day is so close, you can smell the excitement in the air. Say, are you ever coming out of there?

FAITH: I don't know.

MAYOR: Aw, come on.

Faith enters, in a pink/white dress, barefoot.

MAYOR: Wow, aren't you a vision?

FAITH: I feel I look stupid in this.

MAYOR: You look lovely. Perfect for the Ascension. Any boys that manage to survive will be lining up to ask you out.

FAITH: It just isn't me, though.

MAYOR: Not you? Let me tell you something. Nobody knows what you are. Not even you, little Miss Seen-it-all. The Ascension isn't just my day. It's yours too. Your day to blossom, to show the world what a powerful girl you are. I think of what you've done, what I know you will do (caresses her face) no father could be prouder.

FAITH: I hope I don't let you down.

MAYOR: Impossible. Now come on, change back into your street clothes. I'll buy you an icee.

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written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at:
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