Adam to Spike: help each other with our problems
from New Moon Rising (Season 4)
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(Spike's crypt. He's lying on top of a coffin, covered with a blanket. Footsteps slowly approaching. A greenish hand reaches for Spike's throat but he grabs it and begins to speak without opening his eyes)

SPIKE: From the sound of those massive mud flaps, I'd peg you as a demon. Which means you're in for a world of...

(he opens his eyes and sees Adam)

SPIKE: ...Pain.

ADAM: Spike, I want you to come with me.

SPIKE: Do you? (Shrugs) Well, let's go then.

(Turns as if to leave, then spins around and punches Adam in the stomach. No effect. )


ADAM: Come. You're going to help me with my problem.

SPIKE: Why is that exactly?

ADAM: I'm going to help you with yours.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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