Announcer: go ahead, relax, and enjoy your new Wolfram & Hart family. from Harm's Way (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(A male announcer's voice narrates a 1.5-minute montage of what appears to be a Wolfram & Hart public relations video targeted at their new employees.)
ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Los Angeles branch of Wolfram & Hart. We're the oldest and most powerful law firm in the city. Founded in 1791 on ground deconsecrated by the blood of mass murderer Mathias Pavayne, Wolfram & Hart has put roots down in this glamorous city that grow deep, including Yoyodyne, Wayland Utility and Newscorp. That captain of industry? We own his soul. That fabulous movie queen? She owes us her first born. But times change, and Wolfram & Hart is changing right along with them. Under our new C.E.O., Angel, we're focusing less on power and more on using that power for good. We have a zero tolerance policy for killing, and that includes you, vampires. (we see an empoyee drinking from a mug) That better be pig's blood, mister! Yes, our esteemed president has made it clear that this is a new company for the new millennium, and he wants to work with you.
ANGEL: If you don't kill, we won't kill you.
ANNOUNCER: That's right, no more employee sacrifices. At Wolfram & Hart, you're part of a family now. You can work your way up the ladder, and there will always be a hand to help you up it. Every life and unlife is as important to our new management as their own. So go ahead, relax, and enjoy your new Wolfram & Hart family. Because at our firm, everyone matters. You matter. Buddy, you're going places.
written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: