Lindsey's hand writes: KILL KILL KILL
from Dead End (Season 2)
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IRV: We didn't do anything wrong.

LILAH: It's not about right or wrong, Mr. Kraigle, it's about what a jury may or may not award.

IRV: How can you get cancer from eating chocolate?

(The three of them are sitting at the conference table in Nathan NATHAN's office. Lindsey is scribbling on the note pad in front of him without looking down at it.)

LINDSEY: By selling it in a tin that leaches cytoclistomine into the chocolate.

IRV: But we didn't know that. How could we have known that? The Chinese screwed us. They sold us the tin.

LILAH: Don't worry. If a jury ever hears this, and that's a big if, they'll be handpicked or enchanted by us.

IRV: Why can't people take responsibility for their own problems? We didn't give them cancer, the Chinese did.

LINDSEY: Actually it was the Drizon company.

IRV: Who?

LINDSEY: It's an offshore corporation that split from your company, oh, let's say six years ago. They are solely responsible for the manufacture and sale of the tin containers your company merely fills with chocolate.

IRV: Really.

LINDSEY: The plaintiffs want redress, they sue Drizon. Unfortunately they're going bankrupt this summer.

IRV: Are you getting all this down?

(Lindsey looks down and sees that his right hand is writing 'KILL' over and over onto the note pad in front of him.)

IRV: (to Lilah) He's good, isn't he?

LILAH: Yeah. He's great.

(Lindsey is staring down at his hand as it continues to write 'KILL.' )

IRV: Well, this is very helpful. Very - comforting. We're not doing anything unlawful here, are we?

LILAH: No. And more importantly, we're preserving your company.

LINDSEY: Ahem, I have to go.

IRV: Something wrong?

LILAH: No. No. Nothing is wrong.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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