Angel: Sometimes I miss the clarity.
from Blind Date (Season 1)
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ANGEL: They acquitted her. Hung jury.

WESLEY: I'm sorry, Angel.

ANGEL: How am I supposed to fight evil if they won't even put it behind bars?

CORDELIA: It's not your fault.

ANGEL: No, it's not my fault. I -- I didn't cause it, and I can't fix it. I can't do anything about it. Well, she's guilty. She's guilty and -- and they let her go. She murdered a man right in front of me and I can't even testify to that fact in a court of law.

CORDELIA: Well, maybe in night court you could ...

ANGEL: It's their court room, not mine.


ANGEL: Their rules, their game.

CORDELIA: Oh, you mean the Wolfram and Hart types.

ANGEL: I have no place in their world at all.

WESLEY: Angel.

ANGEL: How am I expected to do battle if I can't even get into the ring?

WESLEY: You have a place, Angel. Our battle will be fought elsewhere.

ANGEL: It's still their world, Wesley. Structured for power -- not truth. It's their system, and it's one that works. It works because there is no guilt. There is no torment, no consequences. It's pure. I remember what that was like. Sometimes I miss that clarity.

CORDELIA: But not the trying to kill your friends and family part, right? Just checking!

ANGEL: Nothing ever changes.

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written by: Jeannine Renshaw; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked by chicken_cem.. Full transcript at:
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