Willow: I didn't do it!
from Buffy vs. Dracula (Season 5)
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(Buffy & Riley join Tara, Willow & Xander)

WILLOW: Game over?

RILEY: Uh, Buffy slayed the football.

(Holds up the deflated ball, then tosses it aside)

BUFFY: (to Xander) Where's my burger?

RILEY: Yeah, man, I'm starving. Cow me.

XANDER: The, uh, fire's not cooperating. It's comforting to know that I lack the culinary finesse of a caveman.

WILLOW: (gestures at fire) Ignis incende.

(The logs burst into flame. Xander falls backward onto his butt in the sand. )

BUFFY: Willow, check you out! Witch-fu.

WILLOW: It's no big. You just have to balance the elements so when you affect one, you don't wind up causing...

(A huge clap of thunder interrupts as dark clouds appear out of nowhere and it starts to rain. Everyone jumps up shrieking and starts frantically gathering up their stuff. )

WILLOW: I didn't do it! I didn't do it!

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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