Spike to Joyce: our love was eternal! Got any marshmallows?
from Lover's Walk (Season 3)
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SPIKE: So I'm strolling through the park, looking for a meal, and I happen to walk by, and she's making out with the chaos demon! And so I said, 'You know, I don't have to put up with this.' And she said, 'Fine!' So I said, 'Fine, do whatever you like!' I mean, I thought we were going to make up, you know.

JOYCE: Well, she sounds very unreasonable.

SPIKE: She is. She's out of her mind. (sniffs) That's what I miss most about her. (smiles)

JOYCE: Well, Spike, sometimes even when two people seem right for each other, their lives just take different paths. When Buffy's father and I...

SPIKE: (interrupts) No, this is different. Our love was eternal. Literally. (calms down) You got any of those little marshmallows?

JOYCE: Well, lemme look.

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written by: Dan Vebber; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 42

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