Landok: Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan, give me your pledge. Will you perform the rituals?
from Belonging (Season 2)
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LANDOK: If I am to perish this night --

LORNE: Stop right here. No perishables allowed here.

LANDOK: If I perish, you will perform the rituals!

LORNE: I certainly will not.

LANDOK: I will not receive glory unless you perform the rituals.

LORNE: Then glory you will not have.

LANDOK: You are the only one here who can officiate.

WESLEY: We have to get him back to his world now, or he's gonna die.

CORDELIA: I think I understand.

ANGEL: Understand what?

CORDELIA: The vision! This book! I think it's how we send him back!

WESLEY: What do you mean?

CORDELIA: If he reads from the book where we know a portal exists I think it'll send him back. My vision was telling me that that's what happened to that girl Fred. The portal works both ways.

ANGEL: What if instead of sending him back, it sends something here?

CORDELIA: It won't.

WESLEY: How can you be sure?

CORDELIA: I can't. I just am. Don't ask me how I know. I just know.

WESLEY: Lets go. (They get in the car.)

LANDOK: Krevlornswath of the Deathwok Clan, give me your pledge. Will you perform the rituals?

LORNE: I won't have to. No one's dying.

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written by: Shawn Ryan; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site & checked against source by chicken_cem. Checked against source by chicken_cem.. Full transcript at:
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