Cordy to Angel: Of course we lost a little time during my 45 minutes of sleep
from Untouched (Season 2)
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ANGEL (walking into lobby): Well?

CORDELIA: Top of the middle of the day to you, too. And no, no leads worth mentioning. Of course we lost a little time during my 45 minutes of sleep. Good thing I left some clothes here, or you would be smelling me even now.

ANGEL: Gunn check in?


ANGEL: (to Wesley) How about you? How's it coming?

WESLEY: Well, most of my reading suggests that telekinesis is a psychic phenomenon that occurrs during periods of extreme emotional distress.

ANGEL: Well, that tracks. We've got to find her.

CORDELIA: (gesturing at Bethany who has just arrived) Well, I think I may have a lead.

ANGEL: Hey. How are you?

BETHANY: Bethany. Bethany Chaulk. You said I couldn't hurt you, that if I needed anything ...

ANGEL: You're safe here.

WESLEY: We're all -- safe people.

ANGEL: This is um, Wesley and Cordelia.

BETHANY: So, it's a family business, huh?

ANGEL: Friends. Come on in.

(As she comes down the stairs she sags and Angel catches her. She pushes free.)

BETHANY: Sorry. I'm just -- so tired.

ANGEL: Would you like some tea?

BETHANY: Yeah. Please.

CORDELIA: You shouldn't worry. Angel does this kind of thing all the time.

BETHANY: Makes tea?

CORDELIA: Helps people. You know, he helps people with problems.

BETHANY: So what's wrong with you?

WESLEY: Where to begin?

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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