Darla: I've been around long enough to know when something is a lost cause.
from The Trial (Season 2)
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(Darla is outside in the garden court at the Hyperion. Cordy and Wes are in the lobby, holding cups of tea.)

CORDELIA: I mean, not only is she putting *his* life at stake, but ours! I'm sorry, but after 400 hundred years of death and destruction, seems to me, you get voted off the island. Am I right?

(They notice Angel standing in the lobby, hands buried in his pockets staring straight ahead.)

CORDELIA: You're back.

(Angel doesn't move.)

WESLEY: Was it - good news?

(They look where he's staring and see Darla through the glass doors, smelling a flower out in the court.)

ANGEL: Just give me a minute, will you, guys?

(Angel slowly walks out into the court.)

DARLA: Hmm, Jasmine. It blooms at night. I remember what that was like. I told you. I told you it was the truth.

ANGEL: Darla....

DARLA: No, I have to go.

(She tries to walk past him, but Angel blocks her way.)

ANGEL: We'll find a cure. We'll do something.

DARLA: You'll do something! Now, I've been around long enough to know when something is a lost cause - unless...

ANGEL: That's exactly what they want us to do, Darla. We'd be playing right into their hands.

DARLA: I don't care. I don't wanna die.

ANGEL: I can't give you what you want.

DARLA: It's what I need.

ANGEL: No, it's not what you need, Darla. Really it's not. I don't know what you need. I wish I did.

DARLA: I don't know either.

ANGELL: No. You do. You're the only one that could. You just can't see it, that's all. You need a little help.

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written by: Tim Minear & Douglas Petrie; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by macha.. Full transcript at:
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