Magev to Angel: That car is your problem, pal. Says everything about you.
from Guise Will Be Guise (Season 2)
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(Angel walks up onto the porch of a log cabin situated next to a lake and knocks on the door. The door is opened by a burly guy wearing a blue, plaid shirt over a gray t-shirt.)

MAGEV: Yeah.

ANGEL: I'm looking for the T'ish Magev?

MAGEV: Well, you found him.

ANGEL: Really. You're the swami?

MAGEV: You're the -- vampire with a soul?

ANGEL: Yeah.

MAGEV: Well, in or out? You're letting in the bugs.

MAGEV: (as they sit inside chatting) Nice ride.

ANGEL: Sorry?

MAGEV: The car. Very slick.

ANGEL: Thanks.

MAGEV: What kind of mileage do you get with that thing?

ANGEL: I don't know. 12 in the city, maybe.

MAGEV: Gas hog. Still, probably a chick magnet, right?

ANGEL: What? No.

MAGEV: If you say so.

ANGEL: I thought we were gonna talk about my problems.

MAGEV: That car is your problem, pal. Says everything about you.

ANGEL: The car.

MAGEV: Yes, the car. You live in L.A. It's all about the car you drive.

ANGEL: I really don't think ...

MAGEV: Vampire, living in a city known for its sun -- driving a convertible. Why do you hate yourself?

ANGEL: I don't. I mean, I got a deal.

MAGEV: You got a deal. Why not a personalized license plate that says 'irony'?

ANGEL: Top goes up.

MAGEV: Appearances. Very important to you.

ANGEL: That's not true.

MAGEV: Sure it is. So important that you're willing to put your eternal life at risk every time you hop into that thing. Top up or not.

ANGEL: It's just a car.

MAGEV: Oh. So why all the layers, all the black? You know it's been about 80 degrees in the shade lately.

ANGEL: No reason. I-I don't have a body temperature so ...

MAGEV: So it's for the look.

ANGEL: No. It's just this way I don't have to worry about matching. I don't have a reflection so ...

MAGEV: Sure you do.

ANGEL: I do?

MAGEV: You're reflected in the people around you. The way *they* see you. What do you think they see?

MAGEV: There are *two* you's.

ANGEL: Two me's.

MAGEV: The image you've worked so hard to create and the real you.

ANGEL: (takes off his jacket) Well, maybe my persona *is* a little -- affected.

MAGEV: A little affected? Come on. How many warriors slated for the coming apocalypse do you think are gonna be using that hair gel? (Angel runs a hand through his hair) Don't get me wrong -- you're out there fighting ultimate evil (Takes two wood staffs off the wall) you're gonna want something with hold. But how do you expect to triumph over the soldiers of darkness when you're still fighting yourself?

ANGEL: You think I'm fighting myself?

MAGEV: Let's find out. (Throws Angel a staff.)

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written by: Jane Espenson; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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