Willow: Buffy you're sick, you can't patrol
from Killed by Death (Season 2)
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Buffy jumps around a corner, ready to attack, scaring Xander, Cordelia & Willow.

BUFFY: Non-vampire. Plus two.


XANDER: Man, Buffy! My whole life just flashed before my eyes! I gotta get me a life!

BUFFY: What are you doing here?

WILLOW: What are *you* doing here?

BUFFY: Well, I'm patrolling!

WILLOW: (concerned) Buffy, you're sick.

BUFFY: No, I feel fine. I mean, I'm... the world's spinning a little bit, but I like it, it's kinda like a ride.

CORDELIA: Half the school's out with this flu. It's a serious deal, Buffy. We're all concerned about how gross you look.

BUFFY: I'm touched. Really. But I have work to do.

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written by: Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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