Anya to Xander: why don't you take advantage of me?
from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4)
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(icecream truck)

XANDER: Aw, come on. Big party at Riley's house. It's gonna be fun. Why don't you wanna go?

ANYA: You know why not. Those initiative men make me... not comfortable. And you don't care.

XANDER: They don't even know that you're an ex-demon. And we don't know that they'd care even if they did know. Which, by the way, they're not gonna find out. Anyways, they'll probably be too busy flirting with every other girl at the party to even notice you.

ANYA: So ... you don't think I'm desirable enough to be flirted with? Is that it?

XANDER: I'm just not gonna win here, am I?

ANYA: (sighs. Accusingly) You don't find me attractive any more.

XANDER: What are you talking about? I think you're gorgeous.

ANYA: Oh, really? Well then, why didn't we have sex last night?

XANDER: (looks up) Is that what this is about? We've gone other nights without sex.

ANYA: (angry) I know. Twice! I can't believe we're breaking up.

XANDER: Breaking- We're not! Are we?

ANYA: Of course we are. You, you've obviously grown tired of me. I mean, I've seen it happen to thousands of women over the centuries, I just never thought it would happen to me.

XANDER: Anya, there's a lot more to you and me than the sex. Well, there should be! I mean, a relationship is something that you work at. Work through. Together.

ANYA: I don't understand. I'm pretty, I'm young... I mean... Why didn't you take advantage of me? Is something wrong with your body?

XANDER: (getting mad) There's nothing wrong with my body.

ANYA: Well, there must be. I saw that wrinkled man on TV talking about erectile dysfunction-

XANDER: Whoa! Hey. All systems go here. No function problem, okay?

(Anya looks skeptical)

XANDER: (claps his hands, starts unbuttoning his shirt) You want sex? Let's have sex. Right here. Hot, sweaty, big sex.

(Shot of a group of kids and parents staring up at them in the icecream truck.)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 44

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