Buffy imitates Kendra: very dark power about to rise
from Becoming (Part I) (Season 2)
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BUFFY: You know, polite people call before they jump out of the bushes and attack you.

Kendra: Just wanted to test your reflexes.

BUFFY: How about testing my face-punching? 'Cause I think you'll find it's improved.

Kendra: I was on my way to your house. Saw you walking. Couldn't help meself.

BUFFY: Which begs the question, and don't think I'm not glad to see you, but, why are you here? Oh, wait. No, let me guess. Your watcher informed you (imitating her accent) dat a very dark power is about to rise in Sunnydale.

Kendra: Dat's about it.

BUFFY: Great. So, you have any idea what this dark power is?

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
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