Anya: My whole life, I've just clung to whatever came along.
from Selfless (Season 7)

XANDER: Anya, wait.

ANYA: Xander, please. Just go away.

XANDER: Whatever's between us?it doesn't matter. You shouldn't be alone in this.

ANYA: Yes, I should. My whole life, I've just clung to whatever came along.

XANDER: Well, speaking as a clingee? I kinda didn't mind.

ANYA: Thanks. For everything.

(Xander understands, turns to go)

ANYA: Xander? what if I'm really nobody?

XANDER: Don't be a dope.

ANYA: I'm a dope?

XANDER: Sometimes.

ANYA: That's a start.

(he continues to walk away, Anya does the teary-eyed Walk of Resolve)

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written by: Drew Goddard; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at:
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