a bit of schlub on your shoe
from The Dark Age (Season 2)
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JENNY: Morning, England.

GILES: Oh, hello, Ms., uh, uh, tuh, Jenny.

WILLOW: (to Xander) Feel the passion!

XANDER: Mm-hm!

JENNY: Willow...

WILLOW: (coughs) Coughing, not speaking. (coughs more)

JENNY: (to Willow) We still on for tomorrow?

XANDER: What's tomorrow?

JENNY: I'm reviewing some computer basics for the couple of students who've fallen behind. Willow's helping out for extra credit.

XANDER: Those poor schlubs have to attend school on Saturday!

JENNY: 9 am okay with you, Xander?

BUFFY: Got a bit of schlub on your shoe there.

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written by: Dean Batali & Rob Des Hotel; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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