The princess screams
from Hush (Season 4)
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(Clocktower, lower level. Buffy & Riley continue to fight the lackies. Buffy follows one upstairs, leaving Riley to deal with the one below. But lackies jump her, and are holding her down as one of the several Gentlemen present menace her with a scalpel. Riley appears with his trusty stun gun just in time. Together, they continue to fight the lackies. At one point, Buffy is being held down when she spots the box from her dream. She gets Riley's attention and indicates the box. Thinking he's understood her, Riley smashes a blue vial/jar next to the box and looks at her for approval. She rolls her eyes and pantomines opening. Riley gets it, mouths oh, and smashes the box. Mist comes out of it. The lackey holding Buffy throws her down. Two of the streamers of mist go into Riley's and Buffy's throats. Buffy screams and screams and screams and the gentlemen's heads explode. Gooey splat sounds as the exploded head parts fall to the ground. Buffy and Riley look at each other.)

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written by: Joss Whedon; corrections made & some descriptions added based on the shooting script at Full transcript at:;
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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