Angel: It means he’s going after Kate.
from Sense and Sensitivity (Season 1)
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(Cut to Johnny Red on his exercise machine.)

JOHNNY: Hell, if I know.

DOYLE: Yeah, but you told me you heard something, right?

JOHNNY: Planning something, that's all I heard.

ANGEL: Who'd you hear it from?

JOHNNY: Guys that work for Little Tony. They're in my Thursday night spinning class.

ANGEL: Well, what did they say exactly?

JOHNNY: Oh, they weren't actually talking to me. They were talking to a couple of guys in Izzy Broncato's crew. I overheard on account they had to shout over the bikes.

DOYLE: What and all those guys were at your gym?


DOYLE: Why, you got some kind of thug-rate special there?

JOHNNY: No, but if you want to sign up, I get a discount for bringing you in.

ANGEL: Guys, what was said?

JOHNNY: Right. Izzy's boys, they said to Little Tony's crew, you know, now that LT is in the clink you gotta look for new employment. But LT's guys say no, because no stupid bitch is gonna get the best of LT.

ANGEL: (to Doyle) You know what that means?

DOYLE: LT stands for Little Tony, yeah?

ANGEL: It means he's going after Kate.

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written by: Tim Minear; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Ann. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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