Cordy on meeting the Groosalug: something is a nice tailored suit... of armor?
from Through The Looking Glass (Season 2)
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(Cordy is sitting on her throne. A girl is polishing the nails on her right hand.)

CORDELIA: You're sure this is a good first date look? I don't want to seem too easy. I was thinking something more in a nice tailored suit - of armor. So, so I figured we'd start slow. A few dinners, some light conversation, nothing too heavy and *then* in three or four years, if we still feel like we're hitting it off okay, we'll ah...

SILAS: Your majesty.


SILAS: (points towards the door) The groosalug.

CORDELIA: Say, don't you think it would add an air of feminine mystery if I were to, just, you know, not be here?

(She tries to get up but is pushed back down into her throne by a bluish hand on her shoulder. The double doors open and wheezing, bulky demon with horns shuffles in, a sack slung over it's shoulder.)

CORDELIA: Kill me now.

(In walks Groo, all handsome.)

GROO: (to demon) Just put those anywhere.

(He strides up to the throne and kisses the back of Cordy's hand.)

GROO: Majesty.


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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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