Spike: Order of Taraka'll take care of the Slayer
from What's My Line Part 1 (Season 2)
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SPIKE: Once you're well again, we'll have a coronation down Main Street, and invite everyone, and drink for seven days and seven nights.

Dalton: What about the Slayer? She almost blew the whole thing for us. She's trouble.

SPIKE: You *don't* say? Trouble?! She's the gnat in my ear! The gristle in my teeth! She's the bloody thorn in my BLOODY SIDE! (kicks the table violently)


SPIKE: We gotta do something. We'll never complete your cure with that *bitch* breathing down our necks. I need to bring in the big guns. They'll take care of her once and for all.

Dalton: Big guns?

SPIKE: The Order of Taraka.

Dalton: The bounty hunters?!

DRUSILLA: They're coming to my party. Three of them.

Dalton: Uh, yes, but... The Order of Taraka, I mean... isn't that overkill?

SPIKE: No, I think it's just enough kill.

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written by: Howard Gordon & Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 40

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