Xander: Anya, you wanna marry me?
from The Gift (Season 5)
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(Magic shop. Giles opens a door and calls down to the basement)

GILES: Any luck? Have you found the Dagon sphere?

(Pan down to the basement. Anya emerges from behind the stairs, wearing a bra, quickly putting on her blouse.)

ANYA: (calling) Um, I'm sure it's here, just be a minute!

XANDER: (calling) Yeah, we're on it! Let's look over here, where we didn't look yet.

GILES: (OS) Time is a factor.

ANYA: Yes. Yes. Not to worry.

(Sound of the door closing. Anya picks up a clipboard and examines it. )

XANDER: So, are you more... relaxed?


XANDER: No? I mean, it sounded like you... arrived.

ANYA: No, yes, I had the pleasure moment, and the blissful calm that comes right after it, but that only lasted a couple of seconds and now I'm *terrified* again.

XANDER: You don't have to be. (stumble son Buffybot) Gaaah!

ANYA: What?

XANDER: Spike's sexbot! Why didn't they just melt it down into scrap?

ANYA: Maybe Willow wanted it.

XANDER: I don't think Willow feels that way about Buffy... I mean I know she's gone through a lot of changes, but --

ANYA: To study.

XANDER: Right. Robotics. Science.

ANYA: Pervert.

XANDER: Other pervert.

ANYA: And don't frighten me like thaAAAHHHT! God! Who would put something like that there, is this supposed to be some kind of sick joke? (pulls out toy bunny) I mean things aren't bad enough? This is an omen!

XANDER: Hey, hye, shhhhh ...

ANYA: No no no, it's an omen, it's a higher power trying to tell me through bunnies that we're all gonna die! Oh, God...

XANDER: No it's not. It's okay.

ANYA: No, you see, usually, when there's an apocalypse, I skedaddle. But now I love you so much that instead I have inappropriately timed sex and try to think of ways to fight a god and worry *terribly* that something might happen to you, and also worry that something'll happen to me and then I have guilt that I'm not more worried about everyone else but I just don't have enough, I'm just on total overload and I honestly don't think that I could be more nervous than I am right now.

XANDER: (offering her a diamond ring) Care to wager on that? Anya, you wanna marry me? (little pause, then she slaps him) Can I take that as a maybe?

ANYA: You're proposing to me!

XANDER: Yes ...

ANYA: You're proposing to me 'cause we're gonna die! And, and, you think it's romantic and sexy and you know you're not gonna have to go through with it, cause the world's gonna end!

XANDER: I'm proposing to you, Anya, because it's *not*.

ANYA: You can't know that.

XANDER: I believe it. I think we're gonna get through this. I think I'm gonna live a long and silly life and I'm not interested in doing that without you around.

ANYA: Oh. Okay.


ANYA: Yes. I mean... yes. (Xander starts to put the ring on her finger) No.


ANYA: After. Give it to me when the world doesn't end.

(Xander smiles slightly. Anya puts her arms around his neck and they kiss. )

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written by: Joss Whedon; I modified text from Rayne's shooting script to match televised version & my formatting.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 36

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