Buffy: all that James Bond equipment
from As You Were (Season 6)
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RILEY: Look, I'm sorry this is all so sudden. You know, if we get a minute, I'd really like to sit down...

BUFFY: What is it?

RILEY: Suvolte demon. Rare, lethal ... nearly extinct, but not nearly enough. It's close.

(Buffy starts to laugh.)

RILEY: What?

BUFFY: Sorry. It's just ... you still carry around all that James Bond stuff. It's so cute! I forgot. Sorry. (fake-military) Carry on.

RILEY: We've been tear-assing through every jungle from Paraguay up, taking out nests. As soon as we put one Suvolte down, a dozen take its place. They're breeders, Buffy. One turns into ten, ten becomes a hundred. This gets out of hand and there's a war with humans? Humans are gonna lose.

BUFFY: So they're like really mean tribbles. Sorry, I've been dealing with these, these geeks, it's, it's a whole thing.

RILEY: You ready for this?

BUFFY: Yes please.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions shortened by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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