Cordelia: Marcie's way eviler than me!
from Out of Mind, Out of Sight (Invisible Girl) (Season 1)
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GILES: According to what you told us about the attack on Ms. Miller, we now have two messages from Marcie: 'look' and 'listen'.

WILLOW: Messages we don't understand.

BUFFY: I don't think we're supposed to... yet. Marcie's not quite ready. But from what she did to Cordelia's picture, I would say that she's wigged on the whole May Queen thing. Maybe she's gonna do something about it.

WILLOW: Stop the coronation tonight, maybe. Keep you guys away from the Bronze?

CORDELIA: Nothing is keeping me from the Bronze tonight!

XANDER: Uh, can we just revel in your fabulous lack of priorities?

CORDELIA: If I'm not crowned tonight then, then Marcie's won! And that would be bad. She's evil, okay? Way eviler than me.

BUFFY: Cordelia has a point.

CORDELIA: Buffy's with me on this.

BUFFY: Anyway, continuing the normal May Queen activities may be the best way to draw Marcie out. We can use Cordelia as bait.

CORDELIA: Great! Bait?

GILES: Willow, Xander, you'll help me begin our research anew. Unless we find a way to cure Marcie's invisibility, then Buffy will be...

BUFFY: A sitting duck.

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written by: Ashley Gable & Thomas A. Swyden; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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