Amy: How long was I in the cage?
from Smashed (Season 6)
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AMY: (twitchy) Everything feels weird. I mean, it's like ... I felt like I was in that cage for weeks. (Willow looks nervous) But it can still be okay ... right? I-I can still get into the swing of things, like ... prom's coming up. I-I'm so hoping Larry would ask me. We would make such a splash at- (sees Willow's expression) Oh. Oh god. He hasn't asked someone else, has he?

WILLOW: Uh, Amy ... three things we have to talk about. One, Larry's gay. Two, Larry's dead. And three, high school's ... kinda over.

AMY: How long was I in the cage? (Willow fidgets) How long?!

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (; action descriptions shortned by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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