Angel: Dana's not speaking gibberish on the tapes. It's Romanian. from Damage (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(on the monitor, Dana in a straight-jacket yells incomprehensibly)
NURSE: And that's with the thorazine.
ANGEL: These tapes are all of her?
NURSE: Most of them, yeah. Rabinaw's planning on writing a book on her. That's why he doesn't want anybody to know about these. Putz.
ANGEL: You were the one that called Wolfram & Hart?
NURSE: My cousin's a paralegal there, told me about the big shake-up, lots of positions opening.
ANGEL: Uh-huh.
NURSE: So I thought, hey, maybe if I tipped you on this, I could get my foot in the door.
ANGEL: Oh. Wait.
(he rewinds the tape, listens carefully)
NURSE: They're pretty much all like that. Bunch of monkey gibberish.
ANGEL: It's Romanian.
NURSE: Oh. understand what she's sayin'?
ANGEL: Yeah. I do.
(phone rings)
WESLEY: (answering) Wyndam-Pryce.
ANGEL: Wes, it's me. Check with our police informants. Get her last known sighting. I need a technical assault team on the ground in 5 minutes. Non-lethal ordinance.
WESLEY: Do you think that's wise? I've been brushing up on demonic possessions—
ANGEL: That's not what's happening. Look, there were drawings of demons in her room. Hundreds of them. Some with a little girl in them. I thought it was Dana, but they're all different. It's not her.
WESLEY: Are you sure? Multiple personality manifestations are often associated with cases of possession.
ANGEL: Look, it's not just the drawings. I saw a tape of her. She was speakin' a half-dozen languages. One of 'em was Romanian.
ANGEL: She was yelling about being chosen. She's not a demon, Wes. She's a vampire slayer.
written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at: