What? You're gonna believe everything a zombie says?
from Provider (Season 3)
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ALLY: Do you guys know how much longer we're gonna be? I've got plans this evening.

WESLEY: We've taken every precaution, secured every entrance...

(We hear glass breaking and Gunn and Wes stand up, weapons at the ready.)

GUNN: With the possible exception of the skylight in the kitchen.

BRIAN: Ally! - Ally - baby, I just...

(Ally flinches as Gunn hits Brian over the head with the baseball bat.)

WESLEY: Into the bedroom.

(Brian pushes Wes and Gunn away from him, as Ally runs for the bedroom. They pick themselves back up and Gunn clubs Brian again before they hurry after Ally.)


BRIAN: Ally, why won't you talk to me?

ALLY: Because you're dead. Now, go away! (To Wes and Gunn) You know, I'm paying good money here. Can you please get rid of him?

BRIAN: Just give me another chance, baby. (Looks at Gunn and Wes) Who are these guys?

WESLEY: We are here to protect her from you, actually.

BRIAN: Protection? (relieved) I thought you were dating them.

ALLY: You know, this is exactly why I broke up with you. You're suffocating me! Now, get lost!

WESLEY: What's he doing?

GUNN: Pouting.

ALLY: Okay. That's it.

(She walks past Gunn out into the living room, where Brian is sitting, hunched over.)

ALLY: You know, this is so typical of you. You're all bluster and then you pout.

BRIAN: I thought we had fun together.

ALLY: We did, but you're so - needy.

BRIAN: Needy? Because I cared?

ALLY: Caring didn't entitle you to read my diary, follow me to work...

BRIAN: I never... Okay, I read your diary once or twice. Does that give you a reason to poison me?

(Ally notices Gunn and Wes looking at her.)

ALLY: What? You're gonna believe everything a zombie says?

WESLEY: Are you saying *she* killed you?

BRIAN: I'd forgive her if she'd take me back.

GUNN: You're kidding, right?

BRIAN: No. (To Ally) Baby, I've seen the guys you've been going out with. You're not having any fun! Come on. Lets give it another shot.What do you say? Me and you?

ALLY: (half-smailing) Eew, I-I can't. It's creepy.

BRIAN: Come on. I miss you.

ALLY: Oh. I don't know. - Maybe I was a little - hasty.

(they hug & kiss)

WESLEY: Will that be cash or charge?

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written by: Scott Murphy; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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