Eve: Upshot is we've got trouble with a capital T, and that rhymes with P, and that stands for prophecy.
from Destiny (Season 5)
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ANGEL: (to security guard) Kill 'em. All of 'em. The phones, the computers, shut 'em down. Find out if we got some kind of bug in the system and who put it there.

GUNN: Figure we're under some kind of attack again?

ANGEL: I don't know what to figure yet.

FRED: Angel?

ANGEL: Oh, let me guess. The lab computers are on the fritz.

FRED: Well, yeah, but that's just the tip of the fritzberg. The needles on our atmospheric gauges suddenly started spiking into red. Totally blew out the instruments.

ANGEL: Sounds like some kind of electrical surge, like what's affecting our phones and—

FRED: Well, yeah. That's what I thought at first, but I think it might be something else.

ANGEL: Never simple, is it? (picks up his mug) He drank all my blood. (turns, yells) Harmony!

GUNN: She's off having a nooner with Blondie Bear, remember?

FRED: She's what?

GUNN: You know, nooner. When you have sex in the middle of—

FRED: I know what a nooner is, Charles. You said she's with Spike?

ANGEL: Uh, yeah. He's corporeal again.

FRED: Corporeal?

GUNN: Yeah. He got something in the mail. Flash, bam, boom... he's a solid citizen again.

FRED: Oh, my God why didn't you call me?

ANGEL: I'm sorry. We just, you know, we've had our hands full dealing with the glitch in the office system... which just so happens to coincide with Spike being back, and I can't believe I'm just getting that.

GUNN: You think whatever recorporealized Spike's doing a number on the building?

FRED: Well, obviously they're connected. Maybe when Spike's matter was reintegrated into physical form, it had some sort of ripple effect on the immediate environment. Or, if those gauge readings are correct, it could be the start of something bigger, like—

EVE: (arriving) The entire universe thrown into catastrophic turmoil? 'Cause that's what's happening, kids.

GUNN: So you know what's going on?

EVE: Only what I'm told, counselor. Corporate seers alerted me to the situation.

ANGEL: Which is?

EVE: It's a harbinger.

FRED: Harbinger?

EVE: Upshot is we've got trouble with a capital T, and that rhymes with P, and that stands for prophecy. Shanshu. Maybe you've heard of it?

ANGEL: Oh, God. That again. Yeah, I'm familiar. So?

EVE: So it talks about a champion. A vampire with a soul who'll play a pivotal role in the apocalypse. For good or evil. Anybody's guess. That part's hazy.

FRED: I thought the Shanshu had to do with Angel becoming human again after—

EVE: that's just the epilogue, princess. And, for the record, the prophecy doesn't call Angel by name.

GUNN: Hold on. You're saying because Spike's back, you think he's—

EVE: I don't think anything. All I can tell you is his very existence is disrupting the order of things.

ANGEL: No argument here.

GUNN: This doesn't add up. There were already 2 souled vampires in the universe before Spike fried. Why is this happening now?

EVE: The keyword here is champion. Spike gave his life to save the world. That gives him the cred. But when he died and became a ghost, case closed. Now that he's back, all bets are off, kids.

(Gunn walks toward the door.)

ANGEL: Where are you going?

GUNN: To check on something. (exits)

FRED: (to Eve) You knew this would happen. All that time I was working on recorporealizing Spike, you never mentioned—

EVE: Hey, would've said something if I'd known, sweetie. My universe, too, you know. How'd you pull it off, by the way, bringing Spike back? You guys... did do it, right?

ANGEL: Something came in the mail for him.

EVE: The mail? Like the amulet.

ANGEL: Yeah. Never did find out who sent it.

FRED: (pointedly to Eve) The senior partners, maybe?

EVE: Watch the accusatory stares, kids. I only know...

ANGEL: What you're told. Right. So, the seers told you the phones and all were a harbinger. Of what?

EVE: Something worse. And seriously dangerous.

ANGEL: What do you mean, dangerous?

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written by: David Fury & Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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