Angel: I also brought you an amulet
from Chosen (Season 7)
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BUFFY: (to Angel; re: folder) I?ll have the guys go through that, see if there?s anything new. Reliable source?

ANGEL: Not remotely.

BUFFY: Any port in an apocalypse.

ANGEL: I brought something else as well.

(He removes a silver amulet with a multi-faceted crystal at its center from his pocket.)

BUFFY: I can already tell you, I have nothing that goes with that.

ANGEL: It?s not for you.

BUFFY: Splainy?

ANGEL: I don?t know everything. It?s very powerful and probably very dangerous. It has a purifying power? cleansing power? possibly scrubbing bubbles. The translation is? anyway, it bestows strength to the right person who wears it.

BUFFY: And the right person is?

ANGEL: Someone ensouled but stronger than human. A champion. As in me.

BUFFY: Or me.

ANGEL: No. I don?t know nearly enough about this to risk you wearing it. Besides, you?ve got that real cool axe-thing going for you.

(Spike slips out, still unseen)

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written by: Joss Whedon; original transcript by Buffy vs Angel. Edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 40

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