Giles: we have a rogue Slayer on our hands
from Enemies (Season 3)
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WESLEY: Well, I for one protest. You pitted Slayer against Slayer in a dangerous charade that could've gotten them both killed, without informing me! I'm telling the Council! (storms off)

GILES: I think you should. (Wesley stops) We have a rogue Slayer on our hands. I can't think of anything more dangerous.

BUFFY: At least now we know.

GILES: And we know a little bit more about the Ascenscion.

WILLOW: Graduation day. There's a big scary un-fun. At least Angel's not bad, though. That's good, right?

XANDER: Yes, I feel so much better knowing that he broke my face in a good way. It's a good bruise.

BUFFY: (sad) He was only acting, Xander. It was just an act.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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