Spike: know a good thing when you've got it
from Normal Again (Season 6)
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SPIKE: Looking for me?

BUFFY: Really not.

SPIKE: Oh, right then, off you go. (pause)Did you cry?

BUFFY: What? (stops walking away)

SPIKE: The wedding? Two hearts, joined for eternity, great pelting showers of rice and so forth.

BUFFY: You didn't hear. (goes back)

SPIKE: What? Families get out of hand? Tear the place apart?

BUFFY: No. Well, yes, absolutely. But, Xander left. The wedding didn't happen.

SPIKE: Well, gotta say, didn't see that coming.

BUFFY: It was awful. Anya was devastated.

SPIKE: Is that right?

BUFFY: Xander thinks maybe they can still get back together, but... he hurt her a lot.

SPIKE: Yeah, well, some people can't see a good thing when they've got it (pointed look)

(Xander & Willow arrive)

XANDER: Spike, I should have know you'd be tagging along.

BUFFY: Hey Guys! I ahh, I found Spike, and was ahh... trying to figure out what kind of dangerous contraband he had.

SPIKE: Tell you what, Slayer, let me get out of your way, stop bothering you.

XANDER: Yeah, maybe you should do that Spike. Just, run along.

SPIKE: You know, I guess you know all about that, don't you? The King of the Big Exit. Heard it brought the house down.

XANDER: I don't need this crap from you.

SPIKE: Right, let's not listen to Spike. Might get a bit of truth on you.

WILLOW: Okay, okay! Calm, now. Let's turn around and release this, very manly thing, the other way.

XANDER: I forgot, Willie-wanna-bite can't hurt me. Time to pick a fight, I guess.

WILLOW: Xander!

SPIKE: More than happy to beat you right through the pain you pathetic poof!

BUFFY: (weakly) guys! guys don't...

(cut to institution)

Doctor: Buffy, can you hear me?

BUFFY: What is this?

Doctor: Do you know where you are, Buffy?

BUFFY: Sunnydale.

Doctor: No, none of that's real. None of it. You're in a mental institution. You've been with us now for six years. Do you remember?

(real world)

WILLOW: Buffy, are you okay?

XANDER: What happened?

(back to institution)

Doctor: It's okay. Buffy, it's okay. Look, look who's here.

JOYCE: Buffy? Welcome home, sweetie.


JOYCE: Oh baby you're really here!


Doctor: She's lucid. Keep talking, maybe the sound of your voice will ground her.

Hank: Sweetheart, we've missed you very much. Honey, can you hear me?

JOYCE: Oh Buffy stay with us...

BUFFY: no! (back to reality)

SPIKE: Here, let's get her back to my crypt.

XANDER: Spike! Just... go, okay? She's our friend, we'll take care of her.

BUFFY: No, guys, I'm okay...

WILLOW: Come on Xander, help me get her home.

SPIKE: (calling after them) Put a little ice on the back of her neck. (to himself) She likes that.

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written by: Diego Gutierrez; Got tired of waiting to find a complete transcript to copy-paste from, so I typed these up myself.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 50

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