Tara to Willow: things got bad, and you still said no
from Older and Far Away (Season 6)
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WILLOW: Thanks ... for before. And, and for taking this stuff with you.

TARA: No problem.

WILLOW: Just so you know, I-I was never ... gonna use it. I mean, not really, I ... I just kept it like a safety net. 'Cause ... there was always this ... thing in the back of my head. This, you know, voice, saying, like, 'what if things get bad, I mean really bad? And what if you can't handle it?' A-and it made me panic, so ... that's why I kept a couple of things. I ... kept them so I-I didn't have to think about it, so I could focus on ... on getting better.

TARA: I get it. I-I really do. But it's time to work without the net, Will. You know, I don't know if you noticed, but it actually did get bad in there. Really bad, and ... and you still said no.

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at:
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