Joyce: evil is everywhere, it's a part of us
from Bring on the Night (Season 7)
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BUFFY: (examining her cut arm) Ow. Oh. Ah.

JOYCE: Buffy, what happened?

BUFFY: Uh, oh, it's OK, Mom.

JOYCE: I tried to warn you, but?right. The last thing you need now is one of helpful Mom's guilt trips. I'll get you some ice.

BUFFY: No. Mom, I-I can't.

JOYCE: Buffy, you have to heal.

BUFFY: I don't have time.

JOYCE: Are you worried about the sun going down? Because there's some things you can't control. The sun always goes down, the sun always comes up.

BUFFY: Everyone's counting on me.

JOYCE: Well, they do that, and I'm sorry, Buffy, but these-these friends of you put too much pressure on you. They always have.

BUFFY: Something evil is coming.

JOYCE: Buffy, evil isn't coming, it's already here. Evil is always here. Don't you know? It's everywhere.

BUFFY: And I have to stop it.

JOYCE: How are you gonna do that?

BUFFY: I-I don't know yet, but?

JOYCE: Buffy, no matter what your friends expect of you, evil is a part of us. All of us. It's natural. And no one can stop that. No one can stop nature, not even?

(bell rings, Buffy wakes up, at her desk)

BUFFY: Oh, um, I'm sorry. What were we talking about?

TEEN BOY: Only my life. You're just like all the others.

BUFFY: No. No, no, no. I'm different. I'm hip. I relate to the young people. No, don't go (searches for his name)

TEEN BOY: Roger.

BUFFY: Roger. See? I knew that! Oh...

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written by: Marti Noxon and Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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