Gunn to Angel: First time a need your help, you snoozing the afternoon away. What's up with that?
from First Impressions (Season 2)
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(The Hyperion.)

CORDELIA: Oh, this place is never gonna get clean.

WESLEY: Buck up. It's just a little dust.

CORDELIA: Oh, this isn't mere dust. This is 'son of dust.' This is the kind of dust that spawns countless generations of little baby dust. I give up.

WESLEY: Very well. We'll just move our offices back to your living room.

CORDELIA: And I'm dusting.

GUNN: Where's Angel?

CORDELIA: I believe the word is 'hello?'

GUNN: Yeah? 'Cause I thought 'Where's Angel?' summed it up. We got work to do.

CORDELIA: He's still sleeping.

GUNN: Sleeping? It's 3:30 in the afternoon. I've been up since dawn!

CORDELIA: (to Wesley) Sort of missing the whole 'creature of the night' angle, isn't he?

GUNN: I knew I said 4 o'clock.

WESLEY: You had an appointment?

GUNN: He didn't brief you? Angel promised to back me up. We're meeting a snitch downtown. This guy's got a line on Deevak.

WESLEY: Deevak?

GUNN: Demon. Set up camp in my neighborhood. He put two of my men in the hospital last night. So could one of you go in there and knock on his coffin?

CORDELIA: He doesn't use a coffin. And maybe you've never heard the expression 'let sleeping vampires lie'? He'll rise on his own. Always does. Maybe we can help?

GUNN: You two? I find Deevak I'm gonna need more than C3po and 'stick figure Barbie' backing me up. No offence.

WESLEY: Very little taken.

GUNN: Deevak is a bad-ass. I'm gonna need the serious muscle.

(Nabbit enters in blue cape, swinging sword.)

NABBIT: Demons of the underworld beware - your time on the surface is drawing nigh!

CORDELIA: David, hi!

NABBIT: I got here as quick as I could.

CORDELIA: We paged you two days ago.

NABBIT: I was in Kuala Lumpur. Hostile take-over. (Points sword at Gunn) Ah, identify yourself, traveler. Are you also a fellow demon killer?

GUNN: Who is this guy?

WESLEY: David Nabbit, meet Charles Gunn. Gunn, Nabbit.

NABBIT: Ha, pleasure's all mine. So, where is Angel?

CORDELIA: Actually, he's still kind of sleeping.

NABBIT: At 3:30? I've been up since dawn!

ANGEL: Sorry I'm late.

NABBIT: Ah! I stand ready to fight the good fight, sir! What do you need?

ANGEL: Financial advice.

NABBIT: Okay. Good.

ANGEL: We're making this hotel our new base of operations. Right now we're leasing it for six months with an option to buy.

NABBIT: And how much are you willing to put down?

CORDELIA: 'Nothing' - would be good.

NABBIT: Oh. That's easy. You could look into seller financing, take over the owner's payments and skip the bank completely, or you could make a play for a preservation grant, and you know, offer to, restore the original décor and get the city and the feds to give you a tax break and a loan at a sweetheart rate. Or you could apply for an FHA and get a PMI in lieu of a down payment.

CORDELIA: Is anybody else getting warm? Do that 'tax breaks', FHA and PMI part again.

NABBIT: Alright, (to Angel) I'll-I'll have my money guy run up some numbers for you, and we'll...

ANGEL: Thanks.

NABBIT: Is this demon fighting cool or what, huh?

(Nabbit leaves.)

GUNN: (as Angel pours coffee) What you doing, man? We need to move on this.

ANGEL: Relax. We'll make it.

GUNN: Relax? Every time you ask me for a favor I'm right there. First time I need your help, you snoozing the afternoon away. What's up with that?

ANGEL: Cordy, you're driving.

CORDELIA: Me? Drive your car? So cool.

ANGEL: Wesley, we're gonna need some bribe money, some cash in the box.

GUNN: Hey, wait a minute.

ANGEL: I thought you wanted to move on this?

GUNN: Which is why we are not taking these two. They'll slow us up.

ANGEL: We go up against Deevak we're gonna need the entire team. (to Cordelia) Pick me up in the back, in the shade.

WESLEY: Shotgun.

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