Buffy: Just give me a minute!
from Spiral (Season 5)
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(Open on the Winnebago still lying on its side, in the middle of nowhere. In the background we can see the gang walking along. Spike has a blanket covering his head. Buffy and Xander support Giles with his arms over their shoulders. )

XANDER: We gotta find shelter.

SPIKE: Yeah, right bloody quick. I'm burning up out here.

(Cut to: an abandoned gas station. Everyone enters)

BUFFY: Careful. Spike.

(Spike helps Xander and Buffy bring Giles over to the counter. Giles groans in pain. The lower left side of his stomach is covered in blood.)

XANDER: Careful. Up.

BUFFY: Okay, Will?

WILLOW: I'm on it.

(Giles groans more as Xander and Spike lift him onto the counter. Spike also groans in pain from his wounded hands.)

WILLOW: Oh, careful!

BUFFY: (to Dawn) Are you sure you're okay?

DAWN: Yeah, but Spike's hurt.

(Buffy grabs his hands and quickly examines them.)

SPIKE: Ow! Easy with the delicates!

BUFFY: (brusquely) They'll heal.

SPIKE: Florence bloody Nightingale to the rescue.

ANYA: (to Buffy) You have another plan right? One that doesn't involve pointy knives and a winnabago?

BUFFY: We'll rest here for a minute, but then we have to keep moving.

XANDER: Where?

BUFFY: I don't know! Ah, we just we can't, we can't stay here, it's too close to the wreck, we're too easy to find.

WILLOW: Buffy!

BUFFY: (runs to Giles' side) Will, how is he? Will?

WILLOW: I think I've slowed the bleeding...

BUFFY: Okay, okay, just give me a minute.

(Knights attack)

XANDER: We've got company. And they brought a crusade.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Typed the partial transcript of this episode myself. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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