Riley: how come Xander didn't laugh?
from Family (Season 5)
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GILES: Yes, uh, we'll, we'll, uh, find her weaknesses, and then, uh-

TARA: Yeah. You learn her source, (grins) and, uh, we'll introduce her to her insect reflection.

(Everyone looks at her in confusion. Tara stops smiling. )

TARA: Um ... that, that was funny if you, um, studied Taglarin mythic rites... (softly) and are a complete dork.

RILEY: Oh, then how come Xander didn't laugh?

XANDER: (not realizing he's been insulted) I don't know that Taglarin stuff.


(Cut to Tara walking out into the hall, shaking her head. Willow approaches.)

WILLOW: Hey. You wanna start taking stuff down to the car?

TARA: (nods) Yeah.


TARA: (whispering to herself) Stupid...

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 33

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