Angel: Hey, Wes. Thanks. You're a good friend.
from Loyalty (Season 3)
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(Angel is crouched in front of Connor's bassinet, holding a stuffed animal with a rattle inside, playing with Connor.)

ANGEL: Look at what's coming at you. Woosh!

WES: I have to leave the office for a moment.

ANGEL: Wes, what's going on? You've been on edge for days. Talk to me.

WESLEY: I just wanna make sure everything's okay.

ANGEL: You mean with Connor.

(Wes nods.)

ANGEL: (to Connor) You didn't mean to give Uncle Wesley such a headache now, did you?

WESLEY: I won't be long.

ANGEL: (to Connor) Give us a smile. (Connor smiles) Yeah!

(Wes turns to leave.)

ANGEL: Hey, Wes. Thanks. You're a good friend.

(Wes leaves as Angel goes back to playing with Connor.)

ANGEL: Here's the monkey. Yay-yay-yay!

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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