Detective Stein: better if you come clean
from Consequences (Season 3)
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Det. Stein: Tell me again. You got home at what time last night?

BUFFY: Late. Um, a-a little past 1:00, I guess.

(cut to Faith's)

Det. Stein: Maybe you can explain to me what a girl your age is doing out all night.

FAITH: Just hanging.

Det. Stein: Hanging. By yourself?

FAITH: No. I was with my friend Buffy.

(cut to Summers')

BUFFY: We were at Faith's watching TV.

Det. Stein: What did you watch?

(cut to Faith's)

FAITH: Some old movie.

(cut to Summers')

BUFFY: Infomercial.

(cut to Faith's)

Det. Stein: Hmm. That's funny 'cause I got a couple of witnesses who put you near the alley.

FAITH: Witnesses?

Det. Stein: Somebody stabbed this guy through the heart.

(cut to Summers')

Det. Stein: Strange thing is, the weapon, it was made out of wood.

(cut to Faith's)

Det: Stein: Any of this mean anything to you?

FAITH: (flippantly) Yeah. That whoever did it wasn't hip to the Bronze Age.

(cut to Summers')

BUFFY: Is that it? I'm kinda beat.

Det. Stein: Yeah, I have enough for now. Buffy, if you know something, if you're protecting someone, I promise you it'll be better for everyone if you just come clean.

(cut to Faith's)

FAITH: You mean am I covering for someone? Hardly. I'm not the throw- myself-on-the-sword type.

(cut to Summers')

BUFFY: (politely) I wish I could help you.

Det. Stein: Well, call me if you remember anything.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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