Fred: what's the worst thing that could happen in another minute?
from Quickening (Season 3)

(Cordy starts the car.)

GUNN: He said five minutes!

CORDELIA: It's been six and a half.

DARLA: It's so typical of him.

FRED: It probably wouldn't hurt to wait another minute, right? I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen in another minute?

(Darla lets out a blood-curdling scream.)

FRED: Ask a stupid question...

WESLEY: Her water's broken. This is for real. There should be a blanket in the trunk.

CORDELIA: What are we gonna do? Deliver the kid right here? Shouldn't we go somewhere?

FRED: What's keeping Angel?

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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