(Dream Flashback, New York, 1902) Faith: did you miss the invention of the bath?
from Orpheus (Season 4)
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(A ship pulls into the harbor, past the Statue of Liberty. A sign reads: United States Immigration, Ellis Island, N.Y. TITLE: New York, 1902. Period Angel walks right through Modern Angelus)

ANGELUS: Hey! What is that about?

FAITH: You tell me. It's your flashback. (charges Faith, but goes right through her; Faith chuckles) You know what the definition of insanity is, baby? Performing the same task over and over and expecting different results. Learned that in murder rehab.

ANGELUS: All right, Miss Blow-It-All. This is my flashback. Why are you in it?

FAITH: Don't know. Must be the magic side-effects of my incredibly simple ruse.

ANGELUS: All right. So, what is this, huh? Puff-the-Magic-Dragon City? Fairyland?

FAITH: You'd think? Me, I'm guessing it's more like Angelus, this is your life, because lack-of-hygiene world sure ain't mine. Seriously, man, did you miss the invention of the bath?

ANGELUS: The whole way over here, he crouched in the filth of animals just to avoid human temptation. This isn't my life—it's his!

FAITH: Angel's?

ANGELUS: It annoyed the crap out of me the first time around. This sucks. Why do you get to be Marley's ghost?

FAITH: 'Cause I'm dying, dumbass.

ANGELUS: Not soon enough.

FAITH: Way I figure, I've got one last job: baby-sit the psycho 'til they shove a soul up your—

ANGELUS: Not gonna happen.

FAITH: Then, I'm whatever... dust in the wind. Candle in the wind. There'll be a general wind theme.

ANGELUS: Thought those suicidal tendencies got squashed in the big enlightenment.

FAITH: (shrugs) I rolled the dice. Paid even odds.

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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