Xander: Suicide with a little help?
from I Robot, You Jane (Season 1)
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XANDER: No answer.

GILES: Damn it!

XANDER: Well, it wasn't busy either, so she's not online. (Buffy enters) She's not home.

GILES: What did you find?

XANDER: (worried) Willow isn't...

BUFFY: Dave. He's dead.


BUFFY: Well, it looks like suicide.

XANDER: With a little help from my friends?

BUFFY: I'd guess Fritz. Or the other zomboids from CRD. Okay, (to Xander) you and I are gonna go to Willow's house. Giles, you need to come up with a way to get Moloch out of the 'Net.

GILES: I, I have records of the ceremonies, but, but that's for a creature of the flesh. Th-this could be something completely different.

BUFFY: Then get Ms. Calendar. Maybe she can help you.

GILES: Well, even if she could, how am I gonna convince her that there's a demon on the Internet?

BUFFY: Okay, fine, then you can stay here and come up with a better plan. (to Xander) C'mon.

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written by: Ashley Gable & Thomas A. Swyden; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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