Jasmine to Wes & Gunn: You share the same love; that should bring you closer, not drive you apart
from Shiny Happy People (Season 4)
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GUNN: What about... Helen?

WESLEY: Helen.

GUNN: It's got a ring.

WESLEY: Yes, it does. However, something along the lines of... Dianthia or Iphigenia.

GUNN: Those are some long lines.

WESLEY: Or Aristophila, which means—

JASMINE: Supreme lover of mankind. (smiles) That's lovely.

GUNN: Well, Helen was my grandma's name.

JASMINE: Helen is beautiful as well.

WESLEY: All right. What about—

FRED: Clorox.

(They look up to see Fred standing on the stairs holding the woman's shirt in her hands.)

GUNN: Clorox, she bleaches away the hate.

WESLEY: Probably best we avoid brand names.

GUNN: (nods) Mm-hmm.

FRED: No, I—I meant the shirt. (to the woman) I know I can get this stain out.

JASMINE: It's not important, Fred.

FRED: No, it is. I can make it good as new again.

JASMINE: There's really no need. It's just a shirt.

FRED: But it's yours. And it was on you, on your holy bodiness. And it's my fault you were attacked.

JASMINE: Nonsense. There is no fault. It was a new and vivid experience. To be able to bleed, feel things, anything—even pain—is a gift. You people take your senses for granted.

FRED: Club soda. (runs out of the room)

GUNN: (chuckles) May as well let her do her thing.

WESLEY: Yes, Fred can be quite single-minded when she is focused on a problem.

GUNN: Yeah.

JASMINE: You love her very much—both of you. Don't you see? You both have the same love. That should bring you closer together, not drive you apart.

CONNOR: (walks into the room carrying bandages) I'm sorry you were hurt.

JASMINE: Oh. Ah. (sees her arm is completely healed)

CONNOR: But there was so much blood.

JASMINE: I heal quickly. It must be a benefit of being a former power, I guess. (smiles)

CONNOR: What was wrong with that man? Why did he want to hurt you?

JASMINE: I'm not sure. Some people can't accept change. It scares them, and that fear becomes hatred, and they take that hatred out on others... (looks toward the garden door) or sometimes on themselves.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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