Buffy's dream
from Hush (Season 4)
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(lecture hall)

WALSH: So this is what it is.. talking about communication talking about language... not the same thing. It's about inspiration... Not the idea, but the moment before the idea when its total When it blossoms in your mind and connects to everything It's about the thoughts and experiences that we don't have a word for. A demonstration. Buffy, Summers, come on down to the front here. A typical college girl, one assumes. (to Buffy) Lie down on my desk

BUFFY: what?

WALSH: Go ahead, you're perfectly safe.


WALSH: Riley, if you could oblige.

RILEY: A demonstration, right.

WALSH: Be a good boy.

BUFFY: (to Riley) This feels very strange.

RILEY: Don't worry. If I kiss you it'll make the sun go down.

(They kiss and the class watches. The classroom is empty when the camera zooms out from them.)


BUFFY: Fortune favors the brave. Do you hear that?

(Buffy sees a little girl holding an ornate box in the hall. The little girl is still chanting.)

Girl: Can't even shout; Can't even cry; The gentlemen are coming by; looking in windows; knocking on doors; They need to take seven; and they might take yours; Can't call to mom; can't say a word; You're gonna die screaming but you won't be heard;

(Riley touches her from behind and she turns to see a horrific face wearing a dark suit.)

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written by: Joss Whedon; corrections made & some descriptions added based on the shooting script at http://www.mustreadtv.com/buffyscripts/hush1.html.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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