Cordy to Angel: Were we in love?
from Supersymmetry (Season 4)


ANGEL: Cordelia.

CORDELIA: Can we... (gestures to the garden door)


CORDELIA: (re bruised face) You should have somebody look at that.

ANGEL: (recoils from her touch) It'll be OK. Run-in with a Voynok demon. Turns out they have nine lives.

CORDELIA: Like a cat?

ANGEL: (laughs) Only less stand-offish.

CORDELIA: We were friends. I know that. Not just from the pictures, but... And I know that's why you lied before—to protect me. Well, I-I staked a vamp today—

ANGEL: Connor took you—?

CORDELIA: And what I realized is whoever I was before, I'm still her. She didn't need protecting, and neither do I. So no more lies.

ANGEL: No more lies.

CORDELIA: OK. Because there's something I need to know. Were we in love?

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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