Darla: Are you sure there's no one here?
from Welcome to the Hellmouth (Season 1)
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DARLA: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Boy: It's a great idea, now come on.

DARLA: Do you go to school here?

Boy: I used to. On top of the gym it's so cool. You can see the whole town.

DARLA: I, I, I, I don't wanna go up there.

Boy: Aw, you can't wait, huh?

DARLA: We're just gonna get in trouble.

Boy: Yeah, you can count on it.

DARLA: What was that?

Boy: What was what?

DARLA: I heard a noise.

Boy: It's nothing!

DARLA: Uh, uh, maybe it's something.

Boy: Or maybe it's some *thing*!

DARLA: That's not funny.

Boy: (calls out) Hellooooo! (to Darla) There's nobody here.

DARLA: Are you sure?

Boy: Yes, I'm sure.

DARLA: Okay. (turns to him, all vamped out, bites him)

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 48

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